reproductive-medicine This department plays an important role in accurately identifying and diagnosing health conditions, and contributes to developing an effective treatment plan for patients. Thanks to advanced technology and a team of specialized doctors and technicians, the radiology unit provides an advanced and safe environment for medical imaging.

The Radiology Department is distinguished by providing a wide range of diagnostic services, allowing a comprehensive analysis of the body and internal structures in an accurate, fast and effective manner. The Radiology Department team is competent and experienced, and strives to provide high-quality diagnostic services that effectively meet patients' needs.




Our Services include:

  • A modern 3D CT scan device to examine all parts of the body
  • Ultrasound scanning devices (sonar)
  • A modern MRI device to examine all parts of the body, blood vessels, tissues, bones and breasts
  • Bone density measuring devices
  • Mammogram
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic interventional radiology
  • Cardiac radiology
  • Ordinary x-rays

For Appointment, call  181 777 1


Our Doctors

Each of our doctors are dedicated to providing you with the very best care & treatment