Blood Donation Campaign

April 2024


The International Hospital had conducted a blood donation campaign on Thursday, April 25, 2024, on the fourth floor bridge in the hospital building from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. These campaigns express the hospital’s social responsibility and response to society, and also aim to save lives and contribute to the service of humanity and society. Donating blood also has many health benefits for the donor himself, which encourages donors to participate and contribute.

The most important of these benefits are stimulating the production of new blood cells and reducing the risk of heart disease. We are also keen to supervise this type of campaign, ensure that safety and security conditions are met for donors, and ensure their ability and ability to donate. The hospital's medical and administrative staff responded to the call and donated blood in this campaign. The hospital administration expressed its gratitude to the blood bank and all donors for their positive interaction and participation in this campaign.